As far as the co's wife went, they never built up anyone. The cos and their wives always worked with the elders and their wives only. Never the publishers. Never! The elders wives would butt kiss them non-stop on top of having their meals prepared for them. And never ever ever did the co's wives sit in on the pioneer meetings. They always stayed in their apartments attached to the back of the kingdom halls. And never did the co come and visit us when we stopped going to our meetings.
However, the one year we gave a decent donation and the po wanted to make hubby an elder. So the next co visit, they had hubby doing a couple of the ministry school parts. That was the same night hubby walked off the stage right after his part and handed his key for the hall over to him and told him he didn't want it anymore nor to do the literature counter anymore. Hubby also had a crack at balancing the accounts since the elder told him he didn't want to do it. Hubby at that time was only in the troof for one year. This is such a joke!